By filling in your information below, you’ll receive our first partner correspondence, a monthly email newsletter/message, product specials and the most important, prayer. You’re the heart of this ministry and we’re praying that God’s riches and best continue to be yours! Connect today and lets impact the world for Jesus!

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More On-Line Discounts! – Partners get 10% off special products purchased on-line, and even deeper price cuts on those featured as on-line specials!
More Personal Ministry – Partners receive special Partner Letters, straight from the desk of Vincent Campbell. It is ministry by email and it’s filled with exactly what God is putting on Pastor Campbell’s heart.
More Personal Prayer – We believe in the power of prayer and we pray for our Partners every day – whether they send in prayer requests or not. Partners are the backbone of our evangelistic work and we pray for them every day!
Most Importantly, More Heavenly Rewards – The greatest benefit of ALL for Partners is simply knowing that people are being changed – saved, healed, and set free – because of your prayers and faithful financial support. Only Heaven will tell how many lives will be changed by your giving. As a Covenant Partner in world evangelism, you are helping people all over the world to know Jesus and enjoy all the spiritual, physical, and financial benefits of a life based on His amazing, life-changing Word.
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